
Chengdu COVID-19 : Information from China

Coronavirus/Chengdu/Sichuan province in China


The case of coronavirus in China is getting more serious. The virus is spreading worldwide now. I read an article about coronavius in Japanese before

I am sorry it is written in Japanese, but you still can see some videos I put in the article 中国新型コロナウイルス情報を分かりやすくまとめた
In this article, I write a blog what is happening in Chengdu(Sichuan province in China). I am currently leaning mandarin in this city. I went to the city in Chengdu to tell what happening here to my friends.

To be honest, I didn’t want to go to city though…

WHO announced the name of this new coronavirus as “COVID-19”, so I will use the word only for title. / COVID-19=Coronavirus

COVID-19 has already reached to Chengdu

I think that some people already know what Wuhan is locked on 23th and people can not leave the city… and the influence of the coronavirus is not only in Wuhan, the city I am leaning mandarin also gets a lot of influence.

27th January

There are already 33 patients of coronavirus in Chengdu on 27th January. There are 69 patients in Sichuan province. Many people are worried about this virus, and stay home most of the time, and don’t go to crowed place unnecessarily. Basically, many people are taking care about 3 things.

1: Wear a mask when go out 
2: Don’t go to crowed places unnecessarily(Places like city)
3: Wash hands with soup, and gargle after returning home.
To be honest, the situation is so hard… Now, it is the biggest holiday in China, and it should be the festive mode…But a lot of events are cancelled and I need to stay home most of the time.

Using subway to go to city in Chengdu

I decided to go to the centre of Chengdu since I wanted to know what’s happening there. Yes sure, it was a bit risky to go to city because there is more chance to get coronavirus there.
In front of the staion entrance, I found this sign… I think that it says” Please wear mask” or something like that. It is not the sign to force to wear mask, but it seems like “it is better”.
Yes, there were less people at the station because of coronavirus, and also I think that it is because of New Year holiday.
There were some different things from usual this day.
1: All the staff wear masks 
Yes, it is natual because they don’t want to get virus. Few passengers don’t wear masks… So crazy…
2: They check passengers’ temperature at the ticket booth
I have never seen this procedure. The check doesn’t take time, and if you have a fever, I think that you can not take subway.

In the train

As you can see, most of the passangers wear masks. I can see securities in the train in daily life, and this staff also wear a mask.

 This is one of the main stations in Chengdu(The station name is 春熙路chunxilu). I could not see much people… I think that because of New Year’s holiday and coronavirus. I saw many securities and police more than usual.
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ひじパンダ 歳三

OMG… One security guy(police?) does not wear a mask


There are so many people who wear masks in 春熙路(Chunxilu)

I can not see much people…

Usually, I can see so many people in Chunxilu, but this day, I could not see people at all… At first I thought


Maybe, less people because of New Year’s holiday

But I noticed that many shops already open in Chunxilu, so it means that many people don’t want to come to Chunxilu because of the coronavirus.

I saw many police and securities more than usual

I saw many people who wore masks on the street. There were 2 things which were different from usual…

About 90% of people on the street wore masks. Most of the people who did not wear masks were middle-age men. 
There were more police and securities than usual.
There are 6 Ito-Yokado(Japanese department) in Chengdu. My Chinese teacher says ” Ito-Yokado is the most successful department in Chengdu.
The customers and staff were also wearing masks.
This of the tourist spot called Taiguli(太古里). Most of the people are wearing masks.
I decided to go back home by sharebike because I wanted to avoid getting virus(more chance to get virus in subway).
Summary(there were some things which were different from usual)
1:There was a sign at station entrance which mention about wearing a mask.
2:They check passanger’s temperature at ticket booth.
3:All the station staff and shop staff wear masks.
4:About 90% of people on the street and in the shops wear mask. Most of the people who don”t wear mask are middle-age men.
5: There  are more police and securities than usual.
After I came back home, I washed my hands and gargled properly. I hope that I didn’t get coronavirus and keep safe.
I took a video in Chunxilu this time, so when you have time, please watch the video.

You Tubeチャンネル: hijisan.channel

Twitter : https://twitter.com/hijisancom (Mobile : @hijisancom)




  1. […] Relatied article⇒【Coronavirus】The case in Chengdu […]

  2. […] article in English here⇒【Coronavirus】The case in Chengdu I decided not to go to crowed placed after this. Chengdu is much safer than Wuhan, or Hubei […]
