
OMG…The coronavirus is speading worldwide
I am staying in China, so it is affecting to my life here. Even the centre of coronavirus, Wuhan, is far from Chengdu, many people basically stay home, and wear masks when they go out. I checked some articles in English and Japanese, but the information is a bit complicated, so I decided to write an article.

I will update the information when I have time
COVID-19 started from Wuhan
It is Chinese New Year and it is the longest holiday in China… My friend told me that usually many places in China are festive mode. However, now…
Starting poing of COVID-19,Wuhan
As everybody knows already that, it is said that the coronavirus started from a seafood market in Wuhan.
About Coronavirus
It is said the the virus started from a seafood market in Wuhan in Hubei province. Animals are sold here as well. You can check the symptoms of coronavirus on the WHO official website.
Risk of death

There is chance to die
30th January 2020
Death tolls:17cases(22,23Jan)⇒26cases(24Jan)⇒41cases(25Jan)⇒56cases(26Jan)⇒81cases(27Jan)⇒106cases(28Jan)⇒132cases(29Jan)⇒170cases(30 Jan)
Cases in China:543cases(22Jan)⇒626caes(23Jan)⇒894caes(24Jan)⇒1391cases(25Jan)⇒2025cases(26Jan)⇒2823cases(27Jan)⇒4547cases(28Jan)⇒5997 cases(29Jan)⇒8147cases(30Jan)
Cases in foreign countries:7cases(22,23Jan)⇒14cases(24Jan)⇒27cases(25Jan)⇒33cases(26Jan)⇒45cases(27Jan)⇒50cases(28Jan)⇒64cases(29Jan)⇒89cases(30Jan)
Be cured:55cases(26Jan)⇒60cases(28Jan)⇒103cases(29Jan)⇒135 cases(30Jan)
※The cases in Foreign countries:Thai、Vietnam 、Singapore、Japan、Canada、Korea、USA、France、Nepal、Australia、Malaysia、Cambodia、Sri Lanka、Germany,
Death tolls
162名(Hubei province)
1名(Hebei province)
1名(Heilongjiang province)
2名(Henan province)
1名(Hainan province)
1名(Sichuan peovince)
确诊(Diagnose)/ 治愈(be cured) / 疑似(suspected) / 死亡(death)
Are there any infection from people to people?
Yes, it is. It is said you might be infected from your eyes. Wash your hands properly, and gargle after you come back home from outside.
Recover from COVID19?
It is said there is no vaccine so far(29 th January), however, it is also said some researchers are already doing good job to grow vaccine.the some people already recover from it. There are less chance to die. A lot of people who passed away from this virus are old people or people who already have another disease.
Wuhan is locked out
Wuhan was locked out from 10am 23th January.People can not leave Wuhan by public transportation, flight, etc.
The population of Wuhan is about 11,000,000, the total area is 8569.15㎢(My hometown is Tokyo and the population of Tokyo is about 14,000,000, and total area is 2193.96㎢). This size of big city was locked out… It is unbelievable…The following videos are the ones my friend sent me. She lives in Wuhan currently.
<Outside of the hospital in Wuhan>
<Inside of the hospital in Wuhan>
<The video in Wuhan 1>
<The video in Wuhan 2>

The veggies price got more expensive than usual. I think that more than 15 times expensive than usual.
Later, Chinese government announced that they would fine to the shops if they sale veggies super expensive illegally.
The situation in Japan
There are 7 cases in Japan already(29th January). Japanese government decided to send a charter flight from Wuhan to Japan. However… they decided to charge money to the passenger if they want to use the charter flight. The government says they would charge 8,0000 yen(excluding tax)/ US$732(excluding tax) for the passanger of the charter flight… Indivisually, I think that the Japanese government should not charge for the passanger in this situation though…
There is a racist shop appeared in Japan
As a Japanese, it is really shame on me. There is a racist shop appeared in Hakone(a famous tourist spot with spa, It is close to Tokyo). The shop owener banned Chinese people to go enter the shop. The reasons are…
「The Chinese tourists are usually annoying in my shop」
「I want to protect my shop from coronavirus, so I don’t want Chinese people to come to my shop」
I really want to know the name of this shop..
The reaction of the school for COVID-19
Foreign students and staff often tell the situation each other on Wechat group(Chinese social app).
Group message for the Caution

One of the school staff sent us this message on group chat. They always try to share some infromation.

Really appriciate to them since they try to keep giving some information to us netherless of long holiday.
The university devided “all students are not allowed to returen to cumpus before the start date”
The situation of foreign students and Chinese friends here
1:One Russian student
I was supposed to transit my flight at Wuhan to go back to Russia, but it is impossible now(T^T)/
2 : One foreign student who is traveling in Wuhan
I can not go out from Wuhan now…
3:My French roommate who went back to France temporarily on Chinese New Year’s Day
I need to go to the airport earlier than usual… What’s the fuxx!!!
4:My Chinese friend in Wuhan
I can not leave Wuhan now… I have to wear a mask whenever I go out(T^T)/
COVID-19 already have reached to Chengdu
There are already 108 cases in Sichuan province on 30 January.


Finally, the coronavirus came here…OMG
I basically need to stay home and hang around my neighbor. Whenever I go out, I need to wear a mask, and it is better not to go to crowed places.
First death from coronavirus in Sichuan province on 30 January(29 January?).
The other references
厚生労働省のHP / Engadget / NHK NewsWeb / 日経産経新聞 / 腾讯网
/ THE AUSTRALIAN / 网易新闻 / 国内1例目/ 国内2例目 / WHO HP / Goats and Soda /etc

I will update the new information when I have time
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[…] article⇒【Coronavirus】The case in China This time, I wrote an article about the life in China after coronavirus speads. I am wondering how […]