Hello, I am a Japanese(Call me Hiji panda) who is learning mandarin in China. I didn’t go back to Japan while COVID-19 was spreading in China because I was more afraid of that I would not be able to come back to China later.
Chinese government took measure a lot after Wuhan was quarantined . And thinking about the population of China, the number of infected and dead people from COVID-19 were not so high. So I thought that I don’t need to go back to Japan, and now actually, many foreigners are struggling to come back to China.
I already wrote an article about the life in Chengdu under the COVID-19 control. This time, I want to write about the current situation in Chengdu(China)
The situation is much better in China now
以前、コロナウイルス前と今の比較動画をアップロードしたのだけど、今回は現在の成都「春熙路-太古里」のフル動画バージョンで人数は少なかったけど漢服、JK制服、ロリータファッション、コスプレの子が街中に何人いるか数えてみました。フルバージョンはこちら⇒https://t.co/v3CbRs9t7c pic.twitter.com/bwSBpEYAx2
— 遅咲き中国留学/ひじパンダ🐼🇯🇵🇨🇳/ 四川省が好きで成都留学 (@hijisancom) March 16, 2020
Everyone still wears mask outside(almost 100%), and there are still body temperature check, and need to use sanitizer when I go to shopping malls or some shops, but many shops start opening and many people start going out and the city is getting more energetic. I haven’t seen my friends almost 2 months because most of the foreigners can not come back to China, and also, my Chinese friends still don’t want to go out much, so I start going out by myself. I think that thinking about the restriction outside, there are less chance to get infected from COVID-19 now.
There are still less people at tourist spots
It is still very strict to travel around in China, so I don’t see much tourists in Chengdu now. It means I can enjoy quiet and beautiful tourist spots.
This is one of the tourist spots called “Jinli”, in Chengdu. Isn’t it so beautiful? This tourist spot is always crowed with people, but I really saw less people this time.
I took a video and inserted some pictures, so please enjoy the video.
These must be the things Chinese government is afraid of
As you know, the COVID-19 is spreading around the world now, so even the situation is getting better in China, it is really not good.
It is said “Declare the end of COVID-19 in China” is coming soon, but I don’t think it is coming soon, and the immigration restriction to China would continue for a while.
For Chinese government, these must be the things they are afraid of the most
Epidemic in China again
After Wuhan was quarantined, many people could not start working, and people in China had to(have to) endure for a lot of things. I don’t think many people in China could continue this situation longer and longer. I experience this situation in China, and it is very tough to be honest. If pandemic happens again in China, it is very hard to endure for it.
Big complaint for Chinese government
If this situation continues longer and longer, there is more chance Chinese people start complaining for government. I think that the Chinese government has to do…
1: Activate economic activity in China and avoid complaint from citizen
2: To avoid spread of infection, keep strain on the virus.
3: Lead people’s mind to think that the goal is almost there and relieve the dissatisfaction
China is getting more strict for foreigners
I feel that Chinese police is getting more strict for foreigners because they are more afraid of having COVID-19 from outside of China. I have to fill some official documents.
But please don’t worry. The police in Chengdu are so friendly and I have never had problems with them. Whenever I talk to them, they are so friendly if I don’t do any bad things.
To be honest, they are more friendly than Japanese police.
There are some arguments on foreign students chat group
There are some some arguments on foreign students chat group.
Some students say

Why we have to pay for online classes this much money

When can we go back to China?

What would happen to scholarship?
They want to come back to China now, but can’t. They wanted to go back to their country and went back because they did not want to get infected by COVID-19 before. It was easy to guess that it would be difficult to come back to China though…
I guess that the situation in China would be better and better soon and I hope that many people could start playing around soon.
You Tubeチャンネル: hijisan.channel
Twitter : https://twitter.com/hijisancom (Mobile : @hijisancom)
[…] 【COVID-19/China Life】I will tell the current situation in ChinaThe COVID-19 is spreading around … […]