I like Japan, and I am happy to be born as a Japanese, but sometimes, I feel that I am shame on me as a Japanese, especially, when Japanese government discuss(or decide) stupid things, or Japanese people are doing something stupid things. Fortunately, sometimes, international news pick up those kind of stupid actions and some people in the world could know it, but sometime not.
So I decided to pick up some Japanese news that people in the world might not know. Especially, I would focus on some stupid actions which are happening in Japan under the COVID-19 situation.
We might get coupons, not cash?/我们可能得到优惠券,而不是现金?
When I heard the news, I thought that it is a joke and
Oh, April Fool is coming soon!/ 啊,愚人节快到了!
But when I read an article in Japanese, it seems that it is serious…. Japanese politicians really discuss about distributing coupons and it is said we can use the coupons only for…
1: The coupons are only for Wagyu beef (Japanese beef)
2: The coupons are only for fish
I told about it to my French friend.
I read an article that Japanese government is thinking to distribute coupons to compensate workers as COVID-19 measures. We need cash, not coupons though…
I think that you are joking lol
No, it is not joke…
Seriously? What’s the Fuck!
Yes, I think that it is a normal reaction lol Many people want cash, not coupons…We can not pay for rent with Wagyu or fish coupons…
How about in other countries?
The information I got so far in Japanese, compensate workers in other countries is
Korea : 86000 yen (US$790)
USA : 130000 yen (US$1195)
Hongkong : 140000yen(US$1287)
Italy : Over 300000yen(Over US$2758)
UK : 80% of the salary
France : Whole salary
Spain : Whole salary
Japan : Coupons(beef and fish) (T^T)/
I asked for my French friend, and he said that it depends on the situation of the work. So I think that the information I got in Japanese is not accurate, but at least, they get cash, not coupons…
How pity Japanese people are(T^T)/
Japanese government still discuss about this and does’t decide it. I hope that this would not come true. It is really insane that they discuss about this… I am sure that there are conflicting interests there. I am wondering what people from other countries think about this.
This is a short English article, but I am thinking to add mandarin in this article later because I am learning mandarin in China now. It takes time to write article in mandarin, so I publish the article in English first. If you want to read this article in mandarin, please read this article later as well. Thank you very much^^
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[…] 【COVID-19/ Japan(日本)】Coupons for workers? Mysterious action in Japan-2Japanese people might … […]