⇒The article in Japanese is here / 日本語版での記事はこちら
1 week after I came back Japan, I had home sick for Sydney( I had never had home sick for Tokyo though). The life in Tokyo is fun though…but something was different… I was thinking about the reason…
The goodness of Tokyo
You can eat cheap and tasty food. You can eat many kind of food from other countries.
Whenever you go to restaurant in Tokyo, you can eat cheap and tasty food. In Sydney, it is impossible to eat cheap and tasty food under $10. Basically, if you want to eat tasty Japanese food, you need to pay double price. Even the food from other countries, at least, you need pay $10 in Sydney.
You can enjoy shopping
You can see a lot shops in Tokyo, and also, basically, it is cheap. Especially, you can buy fashionable and cheap clothes. If you like to buy clothes, Japan is the best place. There are variety of electronic products, so Tokyo is a shopping heaven.
The quality of services is basically high.
All the services are basically high quality, so you don’t get much stress as a customer.
The goodness of Sydney
It is easier to see people from many backgrounds.
When you want to relax, you can find many places you can relax ( For example, Darling Harbour, Hyde Park, etc) . Sydney has both city and nature parts.
You can enjoy both city and nature at the same time in Sydney. It is a part of attraction of Sydney. Comparing to Tokyo, you see less people here and less stress. Even you get stress, you can find a lot of places you can run away.
I can feel that money is circulated here, and feel the economy in Sydney keeps growing up.
I think that if Australia can keep good relationship with China, the economy keeps growing up here. Not only in Australia, if a country wants to circulate the economy, China power is essential.
The negative aspects I felt in Tokyo
1 : I felt that I was locked up in a cage.
2 : I felt that a lot of people in Tokyo get tired or tense. And also, I felt that people monitoring each other.
3 : The nature is less, and people are crowed, so it is very difficult to relax.
4 : I felt that Japan is not a expensive country anymore. In many countries, the prices and salaries are increasing so quick, but in Japan….
5 : Even they have good technologies, they can not use it properly, or too conservative to use the technologies. In some companies, they still use old and inefficient ways. I think that a lot of talented people don’t want to work in japan.
6 : Many people think about minority noise too much.
The negative aspect I feel in Sydney(or in Australia)
1 : They still have racism(especially, for Asian people). In Sydney, you might not feel it much, but in county side, you have more opportunities to feel it.
2 : Everything is super expensive(but the salary is high as well). There are still some cash jobs, but without cash jobs, everything would be more expensive. It is a difficult problem.
3 : The condition to immigrate to Australia is getting more strict. It can’t be helped in some parts, but I don’t understand why Australian government change the condition of IELTS score. There are a lot of advantages for people from English speaking countries to immigrate here, but it is a very hard condition for people from non English speaking countries. It is not fair.
Wherever you live, there are a lot of goodness and badness there, and also, you can say, adjust to your personality or not. Which country or place is good for your personality? So far, I don’t feel I want to live in Tokyo, but I might be able to find a good place for my personality in Japan.
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