
I am sure that some foreigners are struggling with these things when they live in Japan. I want to explain about each of them.
Be punctual about time

Generally, Japanese people are so punctual about time.
Most of the Japanese people are punctual about time. In Australia, I often come on time or just 2 or 3 mins late for meeting time. However, I shouldn’t do it in Japan. I need to arrive 10 mins before the meeting time. It is kind of manner to arrive 10 mins before the meeting time.

Sometimes, I am not punctual about time though…seppucu切腹
So, it means if the meeting time is 3pm, you need to arrive at the meeting place until 2:50pm. Take a train early, and it is better to arrive earlier than other people. Not only in the business situation, but also it happens in private as well. I heard that in some counties, people start taking a shower at 3pm when the meeting time is at 3pm…

Please don’t do it in Japan(><)////
Read the atmosphere(Kuukiwo yomu)

Sometimes, it is very hard to say your opinion
I think that this skill is essential for Japanese people because a lot of Japanese people don’t tell their true opinion, ideas, thinking, etc etc… so in Japan, you need to read other people’s mind. You need to make an action following to the atmosphere. This might be weird thing for the most of the people from other countries, and sometimes, you might feel it is hassle, and you might think ” I don’t understand what Japanese people are thinking”. But sorry, it is a normal thing in Japan.

I prefer western style
In Japan, a group is more important than individuals. If you don’t conform to the rest, you’ll get hammered down. Actually, this is one of the reason Japanese people usually don’t tell their opinion.
You need to be good at flattering other people, especially, in the business scene. If you are good at flattering your boss, you might be able to get a good position in the future. But come to thinking about it, this might be a common thing in some countries.
Actually, there are other manners you need to be careful in Japan. For example…
1 : Don’t make chewing noise when you are eating.
While you are chewing food, it is not a good manner to make a noise in the mouth. Try not to make a noise. But I don’t know… why Japanese people make a noise when they are eating ramen…
2 : Don’t talk loudly
It is not good to talk loudly in public place… Hiji san is not good at talking quiet, so I have to be careful….

Don’t talk loudly, especially in public place
There are more things you have to be careful in Japan. If you want to live in Japan long, it is better to know it.
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